This is just ripped off from the Achewood cookbook but rewritten as a recipe instead of entertainment. Ingredients: 2 large russet potatoes (~3/4 lb each), washed and dried. Olive oil Salt 1. Pre-heat oven to 450F 2. Slice potatoes lengthwise into wedges. 3. Arrange wedges skin down on a foil-lined cookie sheet. 4. Brush wedges with oil, sprinkle with salt, and put in the oven. 5. After 20 minutes, remove tray and flip each wedge on its side. 6. Roast 10 minutes more, then remove tray and raise oven temp to 500F. 7. Once oven is at 500, brush wedges with oil again and return to oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove when golden brown all over and slightly blistered. 8. Sprinkle again with salt and serve. These are very good with curry mayonnaise: just mix curry powder into mayonnaise until it's a nice yellow color and tastes good.