Posted 2012/2/6
Evening 2m time
I spent some time fooling around on the 2m radio tonight. Ran the antenna out the sliding glass door and attached the magmount to the air conditioner.
I spent most of the time browsing local repeaters and checking if I could reach them. I managed to reach:
- AD6KV, 147.120+ PL 100
- WA6HAM, 145.410- PL 107.2
- AB6CR, 145.350- PL 100
- W6SRR, 147.045+ PL 94.8
- AD6KV, 147.120+ PL 100
It was a pleasant surprise to switch over to AD6KV and find the Livermore Amateur Radio Club’s weekly net in process. The net takes place every Monday at 19:00, but I only came in at the very end during the call for final check-ins. Nevertheless, I was able to check in with the net coordinator WS6T and confirm that my signal was acceptable.
An interesting note, I found a long recorded message playing at 147.195, a recording of a talk from some sort of radio emergency response organization.